12/2012 We received the following from Dave Jenniges from Minnesota. These pups are a Sharp Tooth Hercules x Sharp Tooth Judy 12/2011 cross and are less than a year old at the time these were taken.
Thanks again for everything. here are some photos of Red and Bones through training and there first kills over the season they ended up treeing 43 coon and rarely broke off trail for other game. we trained for coon and that's what they hunt very impressed with both of them. the whiter one bones has an awesome nose, even on cold nights when the coon arent really running far from there den he seems to find them. unfortunately we cant get denned up ones so we leave them but we see coon hair most times were there bawling. the two groups of coon in the photos were the first two hunts they ever did. 8 coon 3 locations one night. 10 coon the second hunt and only two locations. i hope this testimony will help others skeptical of trying it is way to easy with great dogs like these David Jenniges
Thanks Dave, please keep us posted of their progress!
Puppy Testimonial from Travis Ryan
A testimonial received from another happy pup customer. Travis Ryan. Another great pup out of Sharp Tooth’s Wild Annie x NITECH Mac’s Ridge Runner Bandit. Born 4/1/13.Email received from Travis Aug 1- He is doing good I messed with him more today he starts to eat at the cage now till he busts his lips open Update 9/12/13 Boomer is still doing awesome he is really starting to shape up and turn into a hound he is just about ready to start hitting the woods and bagging the fur . Great job Travis. Keep us posted of his progress!
Other pups from this litter are also doing great. Roger Kloepping from Illinois purchased a female pup from this litter. He got a beautiful female, Reba, out of our Wild Annie x Bandit cross which is currently 3-1/2 months old. Here is what Roger had to say about his pup at 11 weeks. "Lavena , I am pumped i caught a coon last nite for 2 older dogs put the coon in the back seat of the car had little Reba in the front seat with me, soon as she smelled it her hair came up she growled & barked at it all the way to turn it loose , then barked at it with the older dogs. she is awesome i bet this will make Steve smile it sure does me. i will keep you posted have a great day i am." Roger, and in another email he states" At her age that is something to brag about, i told you she wasnt afraid of anything haha. Have a great day. Roger
Update received 6/14/13 Hi Lavena, Went hunting last nite took Reba along my Frost dog got treed Reba and i walked into the tree Reba began sniffing around on some limbs leaning against the tree and began treeing. She continues to amaze me... have a good day Roger Thanks Roger...we look forward to hearing more about this beautiful pup.
Bill Bailey got a pup out of Wild Annie x Ridge Runner Bandit who is a littermate to Roger Kloepping's pup. His female is doing great. Took out a barked on her own track twice and then finished one with his old dog barking every breath on the tree! He's thrilled!in MI is doing great! His pup was born 4/1/13. Great job folks. Hope to see some pics soon!
Jagg, a Lone Pine Francis x Lone Pine Wing Dinger 2010 Cross
owned by Lyle Green & Susan Kenney. I get lots of emails from folks who have either been around a walker coonhound as a pet, either a friends or from a rescue and they want one of their own. They make great pets as many folks who have purchased our hounds just as a pet will agree to. Read about Jagg, and what his owners have to say about him.
Lyle Green and I purchased an 8 week old male puppy from you on Columbus Day, October 11, 2010. We named him Jagg and he is doing very well.
5/13/11 - Things are going great with our puppy! I thought I would email you some updated pictures of our wonderful puppy Jagg. He's about 50 lbs. and he is very well behaved. He absolutely LOVES being outside and will sit at the door until we let him go out to play. Jagg loved the snow especially at our cabin up north where there was over a foot of snow in march. Here are some pictures of him enjoying the weather. He's getting so big! He loves his kiddie ice cream cones!
Sorry, the pics don't show anymore but will hoping Jagg and Susan & Lyle are doing great!
7/24/12 We purchased Jagg from your kennel almost two years ago. He will be two on August 16. He is such a
wonderful dog. He has personality that makes him a very unique dog. We are so happy that
we bought a walker from your sharptooth kennel. From our area there are not many people
that know about this breed, however the picture was taken in Myrtle Beach, SC where we
received numerous compliments on how beautiful and well behaved Jagg was on our camping
trip. Thanks again for giving us such a wonderful dog.
Susan Kenney & Lyle Green
Congratulations to Instructor Lorrie Case and Finn on their FIRST NW3 Title!!!! Every trial this team titles!!!! The future is bright for this team!!! Steve Lavena Jenkins

Sept 24, 2018
Just wanted to give you an update on Finn. Yesterday he competed in his first level 3 nose work competition and he rocked it! He was such a good boy. It's only his third full day trial and he worked beautifully and was very clear in his alert.
I also received multiple compliments on how handsome he is.
Next week we try for an obedience leg. He heels like nobody's business but does get distracted.
Just not the same as nose work. Regardless, he always puts his heart into all he does.
Thank you.
Poca's Monster Coon
Pocahontas, owned by Zach English, formerly of MD, now South Carolina. She is a beautiful female approx 1-1/2 years old out of Lone Pine Daisy and Rocket's Chance owned by Josh Krietz of Fairfield PA, both dogs originally from our kennel. Daisy is out of our Lone Pine Francis female who was bred to GRCH GRNITECH Lone Pine Thunderbolt. This HUGE beautiful 31 lb boar coon was treed 11/16/13. Here is what Zach had to say about "Poca" "

Another shot of Poca's first monster boar coon! It weighed 31lbs!! And she looked and sounded like a rockstar when she treed that coon! She was huntin by herself too!" 11/16/13
Congratulations Zach! You have yourself a real coon dog! Keep us posted!

David Royston in Virginia has 3 beautiful 2012 Sharp Tooth Kennels Male Walker pups he's working on a bear hide. These pups will run both bear and coon. Keep us posted David!
1/17/17 - A great pic from Zach Gooch. Zach just purchased a beautiful Ellie Mae x Winger pup from us out of our most current litter. Approx 3 months old treeing on a bear hide. Great Job Zach! - Keep us posted on his progress!